Class: LatexBeautify

Defined in: src/beautifiers/
Inherits: Beautifier

Variables Summary

name =
"Latex Beautify"
options =
  LaTeX: true

Variable inherited from Beautifier

Promise name options languages beautify _envCache _envCacheDate _envCacheExpiry logger

Instance Method Summary

Inherited Method Summary

Methods inherited from Beautifier

#deprecate #tempFile #readFile #findFile #getShellEnvironment #which #commandNotFoundError #run #spawn #setupLogger

Instance Method Details

# (void) buildConfigFile(options)

There are too many options with latexmk, I have tried to slim this down to the most useful ones. This method creates a configuration file for latexindent.

# (void) setUpDir(dirPath, text, config)

Latexindent accepts configuration files only. This file has to be named localSettings.yaml and be in the same folder as the tex file. It also insists on creating a log file somewhere. So we set up a directory with all the files in place.

# (void) beautify(text, language, options)

Beautifier does not currently have a method for creating directories, so we call temp directly.

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